Комментарии участников:
На реддите народ комментит в духе «с каких пор НАТО сует нос в газовые дела».
Exactly how did the chief of NATO end up talking about Russia and environmentalists? It's incredible. Of course Russia will want to keep Europe buying gas and of course shale gas has the potential to harm to a degree that we don't even understand or study.
Chief of NATO today, next director of Chevron tomorrow.
Yeah it's pretty well known many redditors are complete, fucking idiots. Industry experts are now called shills, and their decades of technical expertise should be dismissed because they work for the energy industry. And bloggers from Huffington post and are to be lionized even though they have no experience in the industry, do not understand technical terms, cannot interpret technical data, and do not understand the chemistry and geology at any level to understand even an iota of the processes involved in hydraulic fracturing.
What a world we live.
Turst Fracking, it won't harm the environment, there are no health risks, NATO said so.
If you dare to say otherwise you are a dirty commie.
Remember when armies were meant to defend nations and not corporations?
Абсолютно. Дискурс превращает НАТО в никому не нужную политическую проститутку. Альянс изжил себя, как военная организация и интеграция требуется ВСЕЙ Европе. В Штатах это прекрасно понимают и постоянно пытаются придать НАТО новое вращение.