Комментарии участников:
Полицейский пытался попасть в палату к женщине, чтобы продолжить разговор с ее мужем, однако его не пропустила служба безопасности больницы. Наутро мужчине сообщили, что выписан ордер на его арест, и предложили ему добровольно явиться в полицию. Мужчина так и поступил, но в окружной тюрьме ему заявили, что никакого ордера не получали, передает WRCBTV.
В пятницу мужчина был арестован. Немного погодя его выпустили под залог. Мужу Алины могут предъявить семь обвинений, включая обвинение в уклонении от ареста. Полицейское управление Чаттануги объясняет поведение сотрудника дорожной полиции тем, что он «выполнял свою работу».
Обычное дело.
Комментарии на диге напомнили ньюс2.
Cop tackles pregnant woman in labor at hospital
— She's lucky he did not taser her. Remember the days when police used to offer escorts to the hospital when they came across situations like this? Respect my authoritah!
— And people wonder why cops are hated so much. Thanks to the internet and cell phone cameras, these incidents are no longer isolated and are becoming more common. "Blah blah blah, its just one bad apple", total BS, why? Because it keeps happening! Every other week is an new story about how a cop punches someone in the face, tazers a grandmother (or 8 year old), or flat out kills you because you you have turrets and flinched the wrong way.
— He wasn't fired because he is part of a union. They protect their own at the expense of the rest of us.
Cop Punches Girl in the Face During Jaywalking Stop (VIDEO)
Cop Finds Hair in Food; Cook is Arrested, Fired
— What, no Tazering? Obviously, this officer needs to go back to the academy
— Police, you are not the parents of society. So stop ***** acting like it.
— Rule and harass…
Cop Shoots Dog In The Head While Restrained On A Leash -NSFW
— If that guy gets to shoot dogs then I should be able to shoot pigs (pigs — свиньи, аналогия российских козлов).
Комментарии на диге напомнили ньюс2.
Cop tackles pregnant woman in labor at hospital
— She's lucky he did not taser her. Remember the days when police used to offer escorts to the hospital when they came across situations like this? Respect my authoritah!
— And people wonder why cops are hated so much. Thanks to the internet and cell phone cameras, these incidents are no longer isolated and are becoming more common. "Blah blah blah, its just one bad apple", total BS, why? Because it keeps happening! Every other week is an new story about how a cop punches someone in the face, tazers a grandmother (or 8 year old), or flat out kills you because you you have turrets and flinched the wrong way.
— He wasn't fired because he is part of a union. They protect their own at the expense of the rest of us.
Cop Punches Girl in the Face During Jaywalking Stop (VIDEO)
Cop Finds Hair in Food; Cook is Arrested, Fired
— What, no Tazering? Obviously, this officer needs to go back to the academy
— Police, you are not the parents of society. So stop ***** acting like it.
— Rule and harass…
Cop Shoots Dog In The Head While Restrained On A Leash -NSFW
— If that guy gets to shoot dogs then I should be able to shoot pigs (pigs — свиньи, аналогия российских козлов).